#10 standard color: 18 cents each
#10 standard B&W: 15 cents each
#10 standard color peal and seal: 22 cents each
#10 standard B&W peal and seal: 19 cents each
#10 standard color windowed: 24 cents each
#10 standard B&W windowed: 21 cents each
A2 color: 22 cents each
A2 B&W: 19 cents each
A6 color: 24cents each
A6 B&W: 21 cents each
A7 color: 26 cents each
A7 B&W: 23 cents each
6 x 9 color: 26 cents each
6 x 9 B&W: 23 cents each
9 x 12 color: 45 cents each
9 x 12 B&W: 42 cents each
Envelope Mailings
Inserting and sealing: 10 cents each
Mail merge: additional 2 cents per envelope
Bulk mailing (includes mail merge, use of permit, sorting, delivery to bulk mail and postage):
additional 50 cents per envelope.
First class mailing (includes mail merge, application of stamps, sorting, delivery to post office and postage):
additional 75 cents per envelope
Bulk mailing 9 x 12 or flats: 90 cents per piece